Talk to our Realists
![Alistair Hodgett](
![Paul Healy](
![Paul Geraghty](
A sprint is a pragmatic method to quickly bring your ideas to life without wasting weeks, months or years building the wrong thing. In just 2 to 4 days we help you validate customer problems and frame solutions to fix those problems. We literally compress potentially 12 weeks of elapsed consulting time into a burst of days of high energy focus.
Over the course of a couple of days we use design thinking and lean start-up methods to develop and test your business hypothesis and get your team focused on what they need to deliver over the next 90 days to prove out your business case. Your business case hypothesis is underpinned by assumptions. Your best guesses you believe to be true. Our job is to close the gap between believing and knowing. First we tear down assumptions. We interrogate your team, we engage your target audience and/or industry experts to identify the core questions facing your business. Then we build. We work with your team to create testable experiments that will turn core questions into verifiable facts, with actions to move your business forward.
Hanley decided that developing their new consultancy business required three pieces of proof, all centred on their target customer: the desirability of a consulting service, validation of the pain points experienced, and clarity around top of mind concerns. They eliminated a number of potential customer profiles and service lines from further consideration, allowing the team to focus their efforts on the remaining decisions. With proof of the desirability of the service established via the Decision Sprint, a small set of rapid experiments to provide the remaining required proofs were selected.